Last Blockbuster on Airbnb

Client: Airbnb

Role: Senior Experiential Marketing Producer

Press: Airbnb Listing, CNN, USA Today, Business Insider, Rolling Stone, Architectural Digest


It’s impossible to forget the feeling, smells, and sounds of a BLOCKBUSTER® store’s possibility-filled aisles. This summer, the world’s last BLOCKBUSTER store manager Sandi Harding, who has kept the Bend, Oregon, establishment running ‘like buttah’ since 2004 and has preserved the same spirit that was once found in locations around the world, will be listing their store on Airbnb for a very special reason. In appreciation for all that the local community has recently done to support the last-of-its-kind during these uncertain times, this end of summer sleepover will offer movie lovers in Deschutes County the chance for a 90s-themed stay to relive the bygone Friday night tradition just as we remember it.


90’s Slumber Party in the Last Blockbuster on Earth!


The Antarctic Sabbatical by Airbnb


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